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Check out what we have done so far
Litter Trap, Indonesia
The first passive litter trap in the bay of Ambon is taken into use. The trap is positioned in front of one of the river mouths, and prevents floating litter from entering the bay and the sea.
Ambon is one of the islands in Indonesia that suffers from large-scale plastic pollution. We are working on an international solution with our experience from Rotterdam. We are working together with the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and local organizations, like Trash Hero Ambon, Lipi Research Centre and the Municipality of Ambon.

Research, Indonesia
We are studying the placement of our Litter Traps in Ambon. Ambon is heavily polluted with plastic litter. Via rivers and the bay, large amounts of plastic are entering the sea. Laura and Rein, two students from the Netherlands, went to Ambon to study the possibilities of the implementation of Litter Traps.
Litter Trap,
The first Litter Trap is built, and placed in the harbor of Rotterdam for a pilot phase. During the period of one year, we are monitoring and improving the functionality of our entrapment systems. The Litter Trap is made with recycled plastics. The litter it collects will be recycled into new circular products. The Litter Trap prevents floating plastics in the river from entering the open sea.

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